14 Best Health Science Degrees in Singapore in 2022

Here is a ranking of the 14 best health science degrees in Singapore in the fourth quarter of 2022.

The ranking of each bachelor’s degree in health science in Singapore is based on the median gross monthly salary of fresh graduates holding that degree in 2021.

The median gross monthly salary is in Singapore dollars.

Top 14 Health Science Degrees in Singapore

*median gross monthly salary is for all bachelor’s degrees from that institution or faculty

Rank Bachelor’s Degree Median Gross Monthly Salary
1 NUS Pharmacy $3,915
2 NUS Nursing (Honours) $3,750
3 SIT Diagnostic Radiography $3,804
SIT Nursing
4 Parkway College of Nursing and Allied Health* $3,694
5 NUS Science (Honours)* $3,694
5 NUS Nursing $3,550
6 NUS Science* $3,527
7 SIT Radiation Therapy $3,500
8 NTU Sports Science & Management $3,300
9 James Cook University* $3,000
PSB Academy*
10 Kaplan Higher Education Academy* $2,800
11 Curtin Education Centre* $2,750

Best Health Science Degrees in Singapore by Academic Field


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