10 Best Pilates Classes in Bedok in 2024

Here is a ranking of the 10 best pilates classes in and around Bedok, Singapore in 2024.

The ranking of each fitness centre in Singapore offering Bedok pilates classes is based on the centre’s perceived Google Maps ranking.

Factors that affect a centre’s Google Maps ranking include customer reviews and online mentions.

Top 10 Pilates Classes in Bedok

Rank Fitness Centre
1 SP+ Pilates | Yoga Studio
2 EIGHTEEN – Movement Studio
3 Kate Porter Yoga East Coast
4 My Fitness Pilates
5 Advantage Pilates Centre Pte Ltd
6 Pilates Motiv
7 The Moving Body
8 Club Pilates (Katong)
9 Zinga Fitness
10 East Side Pilates