10 Best Online MBA Degrees in Singapore in 2022

Here is a ranking of the 10 best online Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees in Singapore in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Online MBA degrees are MBA programs that offer primarily distance learning classes. Candidates can access these classes from Singapore.

The ranking of each online MBA course in Singapore is based on the MBA’s position in the 2022 Financial Times (FT) online MBA ranking.

There are several factors that affect an MBA’s position in the FT online MBA ranking. These include the average percentage salary increase and the salary, in US dollars, of graduates holding that MBA.

Top 10 Online MBA Degrees in Singapore

Rank MBA Degree FT Online MBA Rank
1 Warwick Business School 1
2 Imperial College Business School 2
3 IE Business School 3
4 University of North Carolina (UNC) Kenan-Flagler Business School 4
5 University of Florida (UF) Warrington College of Business 5
6 POLIMI Graduate School of Management 6
7 Durham University Business School 7
8 Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM) at University of New South Wales (UNSW) Business School 8
9 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 9
10 University of Bradford School of Management 10