10 Best Kung Fu Schools in Singapore in 2024

Here is a ranking of the 10 best kung fu schools in Singapore in 2024.

A kung fu school is a type of martial arts school in Singapore that offers kung fu classes.

The ranking of each kung fu school in Singapore is based on the school’s perceived Google Maps ranking.

Factors that affect a school’s Google Maps ranking include customer reviews and online mentions.

Top 10 Kung Fu Schools in Singapore

Rank Kung Fu School
1 Wing Chun Kuen Training Centren
2 Shaolin Kung Fu Studio
3 JowGaKungFu Singapore
4 Chu Sau Lei Wing Chun Singapore
5 Ch’i Life Studio
6 Shaolin Club Pte Ltd
7 Wufang Singapore
8 Martial House
9 Wu Lin Martial Arts Studio
10 Wenwu Learning Studio

Best Kung Fu Schools in Singapore by Target Audience


Find out the best schools to learn kung fu for kids in Singapore.


Find out the best schools to learn kung fu for adults in Singapore.