Here is a ranking of the 10 best kids’ tennis lessons in Singapore in 2024.
The ranking of each tennis school in Singapore offering tennis lessons for kids is based on the school’s perceived Google Maps ranking.
Factors that affect a school’s Google Maps ranking include customer reviews and online mentions.
Top 10 Kids’ Tennis Lessons in Singapore
Rank | Tennis School |
1 | Banana Tennis Academy |
2 | Play! Tennis | Tennis Lessons in Singapore |
3 | Jun Tennis Academy | Tennis Lessons Singapore |
4 | Savitar Tennis Centre |
5 | Spin Tennis Coaching | Tennis Lessons Singapore | Group Tennis Classes Singapore |
6 | SITA Tennis Academy Centre |
7 | Eighth Floor Tennis Academy |
8 | Tanglin Academy, Singapore (Tennis) |
9 | Singapore Tennis Lessons | Jay Davern |
10 | Future Sports Academies |